Tours From Marrakech A large selection of Marrakech Tours and multiday Trips you can book with WomenBestTravel, All our Tours are in small and private groups to offer the most authentic and unique experiences from exploring the high Atlas Mountains, their scenic views and magical landscapes, The Sahara Desert And much More ….

Women Best Travel Organise  a wide range of  private & Small group day trips  from Marrakech. Tkae  a guided city  tour in  Marrakech or book a tour that  depart daily and take you to such places as High Atlas Mountains, Berber villages, Ouzoud waterfalls, Kasbahs, Seaside Essaouira and more Activities in Marrakech Camel ride at the palm groves, Moroccan Dinner and Shows, Quad biking, Moroccan Hammam and Spa.  Browse through our Marrakech day excursions below or customize your own tour. Contact us for more details.
We take you to some of the most beautiful, historic and inspiring places in Morocco. Our guests enjoy guaranteed departures, our unique real life experience tours, Morocco can leave you breathless. From the drama and beauty of our mountains and Medinas, to the rich history of ancient Medinas and the Berber Cultures, there really is something for everyone. Our guides have the experience and training to make your journey as colourful as it is comfortable, but it’s their local knowledge and passion for Morocco that will make your journey truly unique and keep our guests coming back for more.

Marrakech Guide, The red city  is the most popular city in Morocco and the most visited. Yves Saint Laurent once said: “A visit to Marrakech was a great shock to me. This city taught me color”.

History Of Marrakech

Marrakech was founded in 1062 by Yusuf ibn Tashfin and his wife zeineb, he was the leader of the Moroccan Almoravid empire, Marrakech became the capital of the Almoravid dominion under his watch the city grow, houses and mosques were established.

In 1147  the city was captured  by the Almohads, a  religious movement from the High Atlas which spraweld through Spain and Africa, during this period the dinasty made many major construction from the fortifiled walls of the kasbahs surrounding the city to the beautifull gardens and the koutoubia mosque that is still the untill now the largest mosque in Marrakech.

In the middle of the 13th century a new dynastie took over the red city ,the Merenids that took Fez as a capital and Marrakech was forgotten at this period of time. And 1522 The Saadians  took over Morocco, declaring Marrakech the capital in 1551 And began to restore it and built theAl Bedi Palace, At this period Marrakech grew and became  the most influential city in the whole of Morocco.

In 1669 the Allaouite dynastie also known as The Sharifs that  are descendents of the Prophet Muhammed’s cousin Ali and his daughter Fatima ( The curent royal familly)  Captured Morocco and  moved the capital back to Fez.

Marrakech, today, is an important provincial city. combining the history and traditions that you can see in the old town “the medina” and the new town showing  European influence that the  French occupation brought.